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City-Community Partnerships-Safety

Operation Town Watch: 215-686-1459
Operation Town Watch organizes groups throughout the city and provides training to its members. Once the group receives sufficient training they are given the necessary Town Watch equipment: hats, vests, whistles, flash lights, walkie-talkies, metal signs, and vehicle signs.

Mayors' Office of Drug Control Policy: 215-686-4591
The Mayor's Office of Drug Control Policy is a multi-faceted department that promotes, organizes, and implements solutions in intervention and prevention. They assist citizens of Philadelphia in the fight against drug abuse, child abuse and family problems that result from drug use.

Weed and Seed Project: 215-739-7950
Operation Weed and Seed is a multi-agency strategy that "weeds out" violent crime, gang activity, drug use, and drug trafficking in targeted high-crime neighborhoods, then "seeds" the target area by restoring these neighborhoods through social and economic revitalization. Weed and Seed funds programs at four community centers in North Philadelphia and is in the process of moving into West Philadelphia.

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