What Is the Family Advocates Network (FAN)?
The Family Advocates Network or (FAN) is a city-wide network of concerned citizens in Philadelphia organized by theInstitute for the Study of Civic Values and JOIN-Jobs and Opportunity to Improve Neighborhoods (JOIN)-who agree to become advocates for families on welfare in dealing with their welfare offices, the County Board of Assistance, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania .
FAN includes staff members and volunteers in job training, adult education, and day care programs. FAN will involve health advocates for the poor, as well as the staff of housing, homeless, and social service agencies and volunteers from churches and synagogues and neighborhood groups performing community service .
FAN stands behind one basic principle: that in order to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity," the Commonwealth must help welfare recipients gain the experience and skills for jobs that pay a living wage and provide quality child care for their children.
FAN Activities
To support FAN, the Institute for the Study of Civic Values and JOIN has provided the following:
1. Training Sessions on the legal rights of recipients, the economic requirements for self-sufficiency, and the availability of jobs, education, and child care to support recipients and their families.
2. Roundtables between FAN members and DPW District Managers.
3. The FAN listserv, JOIN web site, and Internet Training for members
4. Citywide meetings to coordinate these efforts.
5. City-Wide Conferences and Events to build support for the movement.
Since March 3rd, 1997, the Institute for the Study of Civic Values has assisted thousands of TANF recipients gain work experience through community services jobs and ultimately achieve self-sufficiency. The advocacy provided by FAN in the early period of welfare reform made all of these programs possible.